Thursday, 7 October 2010

Applying monadic combinators to build simple parser

After reading this article, it dawned on me, how easy it might be to write parsers using internal dsl syntax. Looks a bit clumsy in C#, yet rather expressive.

I've used wonderful Magnum library built by Dru Sellers and Chris (creators of open source service bus MassTransit project) as a foundation, since it already contains a base for monadic parsers.

As an example, look how easy it is to write a parser for following simple grammar, describing file version structure:

<version> ::= <part>{<delim><part>|<part>}
<part> ::= <positive integer>+ | <letter>+
<delim> ::= “.” | “,” | “(” | “)” | “ “

And parser in mere 10 lines of code:

Good luck!

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